Core Program (terrestrial)

Conservation of endangered plants, Mycorrhizal symbiosis, Population genetics, Phylogeography

Physical geography, Geomorphic environment, Environment evolution and human activity, Natural disaster management, Active fault
Physical geography, Geomorphic environment, Environment evolution and human activity, Natural disaster management, Active fault

Natural Environmental Structures
ANAZAWA, Katsuro
Associate Professor
Geochemical research on natural surface water in volcanic area
ANAZAWA, Katsuro
Associate Professor
Geochemical research on natural surface water in volcanic area

Associate Professor
Architecture and lifecycle of trees, Abandoned ex-coppice woodlands, Cascade effects of wild mammals
Architecture and lifecycle of trees, Abandoned ex-coppice woodlands, Cascade effects of wild mammals

Associate Professor
Landscape planning, Urban planning, Urban forestry, Urban agriculture
Landscape planning, Urban planning, Urban forestry, Urban agriculture

Biosphere Functions
KUBO, Mugino
Associate Professor
Evolutionary ecology, Paleontology, Comparative morphology, Terrestrial mammals
KUBO, Mugino
Associate Professor
Evolutionary ecology, Paleontology, Comparative morphology, Terrestrial mammals

Forest landscape, Environmental education, Sensitvity and art, Cyberforest
Forest landscape, Environmental education, Sensitvity and art, Cyberforest

Evaluation of Natural Environment
Kento, Ranmitsu
Assistant Professer
Mycorrhizal symbiosis, Epiphytic plant, Orchidaceae, Plant conservation
Kento, Ranmitsu
Assistant Professer
Mycorrhizal symbiosis, Epiphytic plant, Orchidaceae, Plant conservation
Core Program (marine)

high migratory fish, thermal physiology, global warming, migration history analysis
high migratory fish, thermal physiology, global warming, migration history analysis

Associate Professor
Active submarine fault, Paleoseismology, Methane hydrate
Active submarine fault, Paleoseismology, Methane hydrate

Marine Resources and Environment
Associate Professor
Microbial ecology, Luminous bacteria, Photoheterotrophic bacteria, Bacterial taxonomy
Associate Professor
Microbial ecology, Luminous bacteria, Photoheterotrophic bacteria, Bacterial taxonomy

Marine Biosphere Environment
Assistant Professor
Fish ecology, life history and migration diversity, habitat ecology and connectivity, conservation, climate change
Assistant Professor
Fish ecology, life history and migration diversity, habitat ecology and connectivity, conservation, climate change
Cooperative Program (terrestrial)

Studies on greenhouse gases using satellite and numerical simulation
Studies on greenhouse gases using satellite and numerical simulation

Isotope meteorology, Hydrology
Isotope meteorology, Hydrology

Numerical Modeling for Global Environment Issues
Alexandre CAUQUOIN Assistant Professor
Water isotopes, paleoclimate, development of isotope-incorporated earth system model, tritium
Alexandre CAUQUOIN Assistant Professor
Water isotopes, paleoclimate, development of isotope-incorporated earth system model, tritium
Cooperative Program (marine)

Ecology of fish, Population genetics, Migration
Ecology of fish, Population genetics, Migration

Molecular mechanisms of adaptation to marine environment
Molecular mechanisms of adaptation to marine environment

Biogeochemistry, Polar Science (Southern Ocean, and Arctic Ocean), Paleoceanography
Biogeochemistry, Polar Science (Southern Ocean, and Arctic Ocean), Paleoceanography

Dynamics of organic matter and biogeochemical cycle in the ocean
Dynamics of organic matter and biogeochemical cycle in the ocean

Marine Biogeochemical Cycles
FUJII, Masahiko
Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Deoxygenation, Coastal ecosystem, Mitigation, Adaptation
FUJII, Masahiko
Ocean acidification, Ocean warming, Deoxygenation, Coastal ecosystem, Mitigation, Adaptation

Marine Biosphere Environment
KIMURA, Shingo
Fish migration, Global climatic change, Marine ecosystem, Biological production
KIMURA, Shingo
Fish migration, Global climatic change, Marine ecosystem, Biological production

Aquatic Environmental Chemistry, Linkage of forest-river-sea, Iron dynamics, Seaweed bed restoration
Aquatic Environmental Chemistry, Linkage of forest-river-sea, Iron dynamics, Seaweed bed restoration

Associate Professor
Physical-biological interaction, Marine living resources, Harmful organism, Numerical simulation, Ocean environmental monitoring
Physical-biological interaction, Marine living resources, Harmful organism, Numerical simulation, Ocean environmental monitoring

Marine Environmental Dynamics
FUJIO, Shinzou
Associate Professor
Deep ocean circulation, Numerical modeling
FUJIO, Shinzou
Associate Professor
Deep ocean circulation, Numerical modeling

Associate Professor
Biogeochemistry and metabolism of marine microbial community
Biogeochemistry and metabolism of marine microbial community

Associate Professor
Coastal sea circulation, Ocean dynamics
Coastal sea circulation, Ocean dynamics

Associate Professor
Marine particle geochemistry, Environmental radioactivity
Marine particle geochemistry, Environmental radioactivity

Associate Professor
Molecular ecology, Population genetics, Phylogeography
Molecular ecology, Population genetics, Phylogeography

Associate Professor
Plankton, Symbiosis, Foraminifera, Microfossil, Biological Oceanography, Paleobiology
Plankton, Symbiosis, Foraminifera, Microfossil, Biological Oceanography, Paleobiology

Marine Life Science and Environment
WAKIYA, Ryoshiro Project Associate Prof.
Fish ecology, Adaptation, Migration
WAKIYA, Ryoshiro Project Associate Prof.
Fish ecology, Adaptation, Migration

Marine Life Science and Environment
HIRABAYASHI, Shoko Lecturer
Geochronology (Radiocarbon dating, U/Th dating), Coral skeletology, Quaternary climate change
HIRABAYASHI, Shoko Lecturer
Geochronology (Radiocarbon dating, U/Th dating), Coral skeletology, Quaternary climate change

Assistant Professor
Ocean circulation, Marine environment
Ocean circulation, Marine environment

Assistant Professor
Benthic ecology, Biogeography, Deep-sea hydrothermal vent, Chemosynthetic ecosystems
Benthic ecology, Biogeography, Deep-sea hydrothermal vent, Chemosynthetic ecosystems

Assistant Professor
Climate change, Sea-ice retreat, Arctic Ocean, Ice dynamics, Ocean waves, Eddies, Turbulentheat flux
Climate change, Sea-ice retreat, Arctic Ocean, Ice dynamics, Ocean waves, Eddies, Turbulentheat flux

Marine Life Science and Environment
Assistant Professor
Benthic ecology, taxonomy, Cultural carcinology, seagrass bed ecosystem
Benthic ecology, taxonomy, Cultural carcinology, seagrass bed ecosystem
Collaborative Program (terrestrial)

Material Cycling in the Environment
YAMAMOTO, Hiroshi Professor
Ecotoxicity, Aquatic Environment, Micropollutants
YAMAMOTO, Hiroshi Professor
Ecotoxicity, Aquatic Environment, Micropollutants

Material Cycling in the Environment
KURAMOCHI,Hidetoshi Professor
Emission control of pollutants, Recycling engineering, Environmental chemistry
KURAMOCHI,Hidetoshi Professor
Emission control of pollutants, Recycling engineering, Environmental chemistry

Coastal geomorphology, Sedimentology, Quaternary dating
Coastal geomorphology, Sedimentology, Quaternary dating

Material Cycling in the Environment
Associate Professor
Ecotoxicity, Aquatic environment, Biology
Ecotoxicity, Aquatic environment, Biology

Associate Professor
Ecotoxicity, Aquatic Environment, Ecological risk assessment, Mixture toxicity
Ecotoxicity, Aquatic Environment, Ecological risk assessment, Mixture toxicity

Associate Professor
Remote Sensing, GIS, machine learning, environmental monitoring
Associate Professor
Remote Sensing, GIS, machine learning, environmental monitoring